With less than 40 days to go (OMG!!!), our lives are already beginning to revolve around the baby and he/she isn't even here yet! Between prenatal classes, shopping for baby gear, and weekly OB appointments, it's pretty much baby, baby, baby all the time. Our house is filling up fast with baby stuff (there's currently a stroller hanging out in our family room and a box of Little Swaddlers diapers decorating the staircase). Roughly 75% of all our conversations now center around baby names as we're back to being completely undecided about both the boy and girl name. The crib has been ordered and should arrive in about a week. Then the nursery will finally start looking like one!
I had a checkup today and my doctor said everything looked perfect! She then informed me that she'll be on vacation IN EUROPE from May 30-June 11. I'm due June 8. Awesome.
And for the big story of the week... Our First Prenatal Class!
As many of you know, I wasn't sure if we were going to do the classes since it's about a 12 hour time commitment (which is 12 hours less study time for Jonathan) and we didn't know if it would be worth it. But the more I thought about it, the more freaked out I got as I realized that I have NO IDEA what to expect as far as labor and delivery are concerned. So we decided to sign up for a three-part class called Birthing Basics and Breathing. We attended our first class on Wednesday night and loved it! Not only was it extremely informative, but it was fun too! Our teacher is a crazy 60 year old retired labor and delivery nurse named Janice. She had the class laughing so hard at times that we couldn't catch our breath. She drew crude pictures on the white board that made us all giggle like a bunch of 7th graders. She grunted and screamed to prepare the guys for the sounds we girls might make. She even had a doll named Cletus the Fetus that she'd use in demonstrations. Every time she mentioned Cletus the Fetus, Jonathan just couldn't contain his laughter. I wish we could video tape parts of her class because I can't possibly describe how entertaining it is. We can't wait to go back next week for part two!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Lucky Ducky Us!
Jonathan and I have been so blessed to meet such loving, caring, and thoughtful people through my job at AOR Direct. They are like family to us, and we can't say enough wonderful things about them. They threw an awesome baby shower for us today, complete with a Yellow Ducky theme (it was so stinkin' cute!!!). Now that we've been thrice showered with baby loot galore, I think it's about time to start setting up the nursery. Sugar Weenie will be here before we know it!

Friday, April 15, 2011
Bobbi vs. The Deli Man
I recently received a very interesting and quite hilarious facebook message from my friend Bobbi and couldn't resist sharing it (with her permission, of course). Let's just say Nicholas AKA the Deli Man might have a contender when it comes to predicting the future...
New Message
Dear Lyndie,
You are going to think I am crazy after this but I thought you needed to know. First, let me put a disclaimer on my craziness....this was after a total of 11 hours of sleep in a three night time period so I was a little....well let's just politely say "out of it." I finally got done with all my tests today so I was able to come home and take a nap and well this is where it gets super weird. (p.s. it's not like I am crazy thinking about you all the time because I am not (even though I love your blog) but I am not a psycho and I constantly have drugs and conditions running through my mind lately).
Side note: Bobbi is currently working towards her Masters in Physician Assistant Studies...smarty pants!
So finally the story.....I had a dream that I was in Arizona and I have no idea why. All I know is that I would walk down the sidewalk and it's like there where snakes EVERYWHERE, always slithering in an upward position like they were ready to strike at any moment. Anyways, I am deathly afraid of snakes but I was dominating these things like no other and I would grab them and squeeze them until the venom completely emptied out and then I would snap them in two; morbid I know. So after killing like 5 snakes in a row, I finally decided that I needed to find you to see if you had the same problem with snakes or if it was just me. So I went on this "subway" that was more like a roller coaster ride and I couldn't find you. Finally, you were walking down the street and I was so happy to see you because I thought you could help me with the snakes. But as soon as I saw you, I immediately forgot about them because I had forgotten that you were pregnant and couldn't believe it. I asked you if I could feel your belly and you were so excited to have me feel for the baby but you started to do this weird...and I mean REALLY weird maneuver where you squeezed your belly and pulled it away from you while explaining that I could feel her much better if you did it this way. Anyways, I was literally holding your belly in my hands and I could completely feel her and then I could start to see her. Then all of a sudden, pink blankets came off of your belly and your little baby girl was lying in a little basket and she was in cute pink footie pajamas. You said, "Oh she's not ready to come out yet" and simply tucked her back into her basket with her pink blankets and put her back into your belly.
Okay, so I have never even THOUGHT about the gender of your baby and I haven't really cared because I have never had a preference on what gender I want to have first...I think either is very cool and a huge blessing. But you were having a girl in this dream. Now I am not saying I have ESP or anything of the sort but I do know that when my aunt was pregnant with Jackson and she didn't know the sex, I had this huge dream where she presented me with her baby boy. Don't tell anyone else that, they will think I am crazy. You can tell Jonathan though. So there you have it...my take on what you are going to have, not that you wanted it. But I hope it's true because one, I would be that much closer to maybe claiming that I have ESP and two, because you wouldn't have to worry about the name Bruce. Hope everything is going well and you keep her cooking!
New Message
Weird dream
Between You and Bobbi
April 13 at 4:46pm
Dear Lyndie,
You are going to think I am crazy after this but I thought you needed to know. First, let me put a disclaimer on my craziness....this was after a total of 11 hours of sleep in a three night time period so I was a little....well let's just politely say "out of it." I finally got done with all my tests today so I was able to come home and take a nap and well this is where it gets super weird. (p.s. it's not like I am crazy thinking about you all the time because I am not (even though I love your blog) but I am not a psycho and I constantly have drugs and conditions running through my mind lately).
Side note: Bobbi is currently working towards her Masters in Physician Assistant Studies...smarty pants!
So finally the story.....I had a dream that I was in Arizona and I have no idea why. All I know is that I would walk down the sidewalk and it's like there where snakes EVERYWHERE, always slithering in an upward position like they were ready to strike at any moment. Anyways, I am deathly afraid of snakes but I was dominating these things like no other and I would grab them and squeeze them until the venom completely emptied out and then I would snap them in two; morbid I know. So after killing like 5 snakes in a row, I finally decided that I needed to find you to see if you had the same problem with snakes or if it was just me. So I went on this "subway" that was more like a roller coaster ride and I couldn't find you. Finally, you were walking down the street and I was so happy to see you because I thought you could help me with the snakes. But as soon as I saw you, I immediately forgot about them because I had forgotten that you were pregnant and couldn't believe it. I asked you if I could feel your belly and you were so excited to have me feel for the baby but you started to do this weird...and I mean REALLY weird maneuver where you squeezed your belly and pulled it away from you while explaining that I could feel her much better if you did it this way. Anyways, I was literally holding your belly in my hands and I could completely feel her and then I could start to see her. Then all of a sudden, pink blankets came off of your belly and your little baby girl was lying in a little basket and she was in cute pink footie pajamas. You said, "Oh she's not ready to come out yet" and simply tucked her back into her basket with her pink blankets and put her back into your belly.
Okay, so I have never even THOUGHT about the gender of your baby and I haven't really cared because I have never had a preference on what gender I want to have first...I think either is very cool and a huge blessing. But you were having a girl in this dream. Now I am not saying I have ESP or anything of the sort but I do know that when my aunt was pregnant with Jackson and she didn't know the sex, I had this huge dream where she presented me with her baby boy. Don't tell anyone else that, they will think I am crazy. You can tell Jonathan though. So there you have it...my take on what you are going to have, not that you wanted it. But I hope it's true because one, I would be that much closer to maybe claiming that I have ESP and two, because you wouldn't have to worry about the name Bruce. Hope everything is going well and you keep her cooking!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Good, The Bad, & The Bunny Cake
As mentioned in my previous post, my trip to Nebraska was memorable for many reasons, but I wanted to highlight a few for posterity's sake.
The Welcome Home Sign
The Welcome Home Sign
My dad and youngest brother Dominic, aka Uncle Dom, were waiting at the Grand Island airport with this sweet homemade sign. I had never been greeted with a sign at the airport before. It was the cutest thing ever!
The Heartless Waiter vs. The Hungry Pregnant Lady
Once I arrived in Grand Island, I was starving and just had to have a cheese Runza. We swung through the drive-thru and then headed to a local sports bar that shall remain nameless to meet up with a few more of my family members. We walked into the bar, me with my Runza bag in one hand and Runza cup in the other, sat down, and, just as I was about to dig in to my bag of goodness, our waiter walked over to me and said that I couldn't bring outside food into the restaurant. Of course I knew this was probably the rule before I even went inside, but I put on my pouty face and said, "Please??? I'm pregnant and starving and I'm from out of town and I've been craving Runza for MONTHS." He was serious though and told me I had to take it outside. Hmph. So I went outside and sat all alone in the cold car and savored every bite of my cheese Runza, crinkle fries, and Root Beer. It was glorious. For the record, my brother James did kindly offer to sit in the car with me while I ate, but I was afraid I would feel rushed and didn't want anything getting in my way of enjoying that meal to the fullest. I made my way back inside and found out that the waiter had apologized to my brother, saying, "Sorry about your wife, man." Haha.
The Bunny Cake
A few days before my trip, I was talking to Dominic on the phone and he told me that he was so excited for me to come home because he had a surprise for me. I assumed it was probably something for the baby, but I was wrong. When I got home, Dominic told me to close my eyes and led me through the house to the kitchen. When I opened my eyes, this is what I saw:
A bunny cake? Yes, a bunny cake. Dominic had won it at a school fundraiser the previous weekend and had been saving it for me all week. He said that it was all mine as long as I was having a girl. I still don't quite understand the 10-year-old logic behind his "gift" since the cake is long gone and we won't know the gender for another two months, but it was a great surprise nonetheless. Thanks, Dom!
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