Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Missions Accomplished
1. I out-ate Jonathan for the first time at dinner and still had room for dessert. I'm lovin' this hearty new appetite!
2. My belly button popped out. I find this gross because I don't really like belly buttons and hate it when Jonathan touches mine (which, of course, he makes a point of doing more often now just to annoy me).
3. I finally look pregnant instead of like I had a few too many boxes of mac'n'cheese. With this comes the phenomenon of strangers rubbing my belly. New rule: If you rub my belly and I don't know you, then you must also rub my feet and/or back.
4. We decided (or so we think) on baby names. Yay for us! We'll see how long they last before one of us changes our mind.
5. SW surprised us by "saying hello" to mommy and daddy tonight (note: first time referring to ourselves as mommy and daddy - crazy!). We both felt him/her kick for the first time and now we can't stop smiling.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Half Way There
Today marks the beginning of my 21st week of pregnancy. We celebrated by having an ultrasound done and came home with lots of new pictures of Sugar Weenie. The ultrasound tech said everything looked great. The baby's heart is strong and all the different measurements she took were right on track. She also said that our baby is extremely active. He/She was kicking, waving, sucking, sticking its foot in its mouth, and even smiling!
Sugar Weenie at 10 weeks |
Sugar Weenie at 20 weeks |
Monday, January 17, 2011
19 Weeks and Counting
Baby bump at 14 weeks and 19 weeks
Jonathan wanted to show off his new haircut.
Our first trip to Babies R Us - fun but overwhelming!
Jonathan was like a kid in a candy store...so cute!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Is This Normal???
Almost everyday now something new happens to my body which makes me wonder if I'm losing my mind. Below is a list of some of the strangest and most unexpected symptoms I've been experiencing lately.
The first one I can remember involved me following my parents and discovering that they were dealing drugs on the side of the road. I got out of the car and proceeded to scold them about how ridiculous they were being, and they ignored me! I was devastated.
In the second one, Jonathan's dad was trying to kill us!
In another, Jonathan dressed up like Bozo the Clown and told me he had to go to McDonald's to work a child's birthday party. I was suspicious and decided to sneak into the back of his car in hopes of finding out what he was really up to. I discovered that he was actually a serial killer and was on his way to his next victims. Eeek!
The rest are too disturbing to share. I have no explanation for them and desperately wish they would stop.
Aversion to Mexican Food
I used to love it. Now, I can't stand the thought of it, let alone the taste or smell. I hope it doesn't last forever!
Imaginary Smells
As I was driving home from work the other day, I put my hand up to my nose out of habit and realized that my hand smelled like baby! I looked down at my hand and smelled it several more times, and it was the same each time - a combination of Baby Magic lotion and breast milk, neither of which I have yet. I let out a little laugh of disbelief and then thought that I must surely be losing it!
I don't want to embarrass myself too much, but there's really no way around it. I owe it to my dear husband to share this blogger's post about his wife's pregnancy gas. If you want a good laugh, it's worth the read.
Hopefully this is the extent of my peculiar pregnancy symptoms. But I have a feeling it's only the beginning.
The first one I can remember involved me following my parents and discovering that they were dealing drugs on the side of the road. I got out of the car and proceeded to scold them about how ridiculous they were being, and they ignored me! I was devastated.
In the second one, Jonathan's dad was trying to kill us!
In another, Jonathan dressed up like Bozo the Clown and told me he had to go to McDonald's to work a child's birthday party. I was suspicious and decided to sneak into the back of his car in hopes of finding out what he was really up to. I discovered that he was actually a serial killer and was on his way to his next victims. Eeek!
The rest are too disturbing to share. I have no explanation for them and desperately wish they would stop.
Aversion to Mexican Food
I used to love it. Now, I can't stand the thought of it, let alone the taste or smell. I hope it doesn't last forever!
Imaginary Smells
As I was driving home from work the other day, I put my hand up to my nose out of habit and realized that my hand smelled like baby! I looked down at my hand and smelled it several more times, and it was the same each time - a combination of Baby Magic lotion and breast milk, neither of which I have yet. I let out a little laugh of disbelief and then thought that I must surely be losing it!
I don't want to embarrass myself too much, but there's really no way around it. I owe it to my dear husband to share this blogger's post about his wife's pregnancy gas. If you want a good laugh, it's worth the read.
Hopefully this is the extent of my peculiar pregnancy symptoms. But I have a feeling it's only the beginning.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Pfeifer Family Schedule of Events
- Today - Dominic, my youngest brother, turned the big 1-0! Happy Birthday, buddy!!!
- Late March - I will be flying home to watch my brother and sister in their high school musical, Brigadoon. Michael, a senior, has the lead male role. This will be my last trip home before baby arrives.
- April 7 - My beautiful sister Natalie will celebrate her Sweet 16. Watch out, people of Grand Island! She's a wild one!
- Early May - My brother Michael will graduate from high school. Then off to college in August (destination: TBD).
- Middle May - My brother John will graduate from middle school. Then off to high school in August (destination: same school, lower level).
- Late May - My brother James will marry the love of his life, Carolyn, in the ever-so-charming city of Charleston, South Carolina.
- Early June - Baby Rouse arrives.
All I can say is God bless our parents!

Monday, January 3, 2011
On the Move
Sugar Weenie is on the move. I can feel it. Throughout the past few days, I have been experiencing fleeting moments of fetal movement, like the soft flutter of a butterfly. One of the strangest things about the early months of pregnancy is knowing that you're pregnant, seeing the baby move on the sonogram screen, yet not being able to feel a darn thing. It's so bizarre. But now that I can finally feel him or her move, I have a whole new sense of reality. There is actually a human being growing inside of me, and I can feel it! So cool.
Sugar Weenie isn't the only one on the move. After countless hours of enviously watching House Hunters, Property Virgins, and My First Place, we finally get to go house hunting! We love our apartment, but there are too many things that make it impractical for a family with two dogs and a newborn. We will be looking for a one-level rental house with a big backyard for the dogs and hopefully much closer to my office in Scottsdale. But before we can move in, we must be able to move out...
As some of you already know (due to my incessant whining and complaining about it) our apartment lease is not up until the end of June. Talk about bad timing. Can you imagine moving out of a second-story apartment in the middle of the Arizona summer with a newborn and medical school board exams right around the corner? It's not exactly the most ideal situation. Actually, it sounds like a mental breakdown waiting to happen. We had to do something. Jonathan's first attempt to get out of our lease didn't go so well - "a lease is a lease and there's nothing we can do." But there's always something they can do. So Jonathan and I put our heads together and came up with a plan. Using all his charms as well as his sad puppy face, Jonathan went back and said, "Put yourself in our shoes." It worked like a charm! After a little more sweet-talking, he convinced the apartment manager to adjust our lease so that we can move out mid-March rather than the end of June. Hooray!!!
If you should find yourself in need of a little spring break trip to AZ, we'll provide a free place to stay in exchange for a few hours of packing and lifting!
Sugar Weenie isn't the only one on the move. After countless hours of enviously watching House Hunters, Property Virgins, and My First Place, we finally get to go house hunting! We love our apartment, but there are too many things that make it impractical for a family with two dogs and a newborn. We will be looking for a one-level rental house with a big backyard for the dogs and hopefully much closer to my office in Scottsdale. But before we can move in, we must be able to move out...
As some of you already know (due to my incessant whining and complaining about it) our apartment lease is not up until the end of June. Talk about bad timing. Can you imagine moving out of a second-story apartment in the middle of the Arizona summer with a newborn and medical school board exams right around the corner? It's not exactly the most ideal situation. Actually, it sounds like a mental breakdown waiting to happen. We had to do something. Jonathan's first attempt to get out of our lease didn't go so well - "a lease is a lease and there's nothing we can do." But there's always something they can do. So Jonathan and I put our heads together and came up with a plan. Using all his charms as well as his sad puppy face, Jonathan went back and said, "Put yourself in our shoes." It worked like a charm! After a little more sweet-talking, he convinced the apartment manager to adjust our lease so that we can move out mid-March rather than the end of June. Hooray!!!
If you should find yourself in need of a little spring break trip to AZ, we'll provide a free place to stay in exchange for a few hours of packing and lifting!
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